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tv   The FOX Report With Shepard Smith  FOX News  June 6, 2011 7:00pm-8:00pm EDT

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better of it, if you do it. >> give me some thumbs up. >> thumbs up, everybody! rock and roll! [ laughter ] >> bret: i'm ready thanks for inviting us into your home tonight. that's it for this "special report." fair, balanced, and unafraid. captions by closed captioning services >> trace: congressman anthony weiner cries and says is he lying to all of us about what he was really doing on the internet. now a top democrat is calling out the congressman. plus, the battle over abortion funding and planned parenthood goes to court. i'm trace gallagher in for shepard smith. "the fox report" starts now. >> indiana has spoken. the people of indiana have spoken. >> we expect indiana will comply with the federal law. >> trace: tonight, the state vs. the feds in a fight over whether to cut off the cash.
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uncontained and out of control. one of the largest wildfires in arizona's history scorching land and threatening homes. tonight, a look at the thousands of firefighters who are putting their lives on the line right now. plus, disaster. >> oh my god. >> inflatable ride caught in the wind with children trapped inside. but, first from fox this monday night. the stunning confession from congressman anthony weiner, he now can say with certitude that was a picture of him in his underwear. and he did send it to a woman on twitter. he is also admitting she is not the only one. the congressman on the verge of tears at today's news conference. listen. >> to be clear, the picture was of me, and i sent it. i'm deeply sorry for the pain this has caused my wife uma and
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our family and my constituents, my friends, supporters and staff. in addition, over the past few years, i have engaged in several inappropriate conversations conducted over twitter, facebook, email and women on the phone who i have met online. i have exchanged messages and photos of an explicit nature with about six women over the last three years. for the most part these communications took place before my marriage, though some have sadly taken place after. to be clear, i have never met any of these women or had physical relationships at any time. >> bret: last week the new york democrat repeatedly denied sending the picture, insisting someone hacked his twitter account. but he claimed he could not say with certitude it was not a picture of him. remember this? >> is this twitter picture, in question, a picture of you? >> well, let's remember this twitter picture in question is a
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hack or a prank that someone posted on my twitter page with someone else's name in it who says she never got it and doesn't know knee and i don't know her. we are trying to get to the bottom of where the picture came from and we're trying to get to the bottom of what it is of and who it is of. >> bret: congressman weiner now admitting that's all a lie. another photo apparently of him and claimed to have others. including one said to be too graphic to post. today, reporters asking the congressman about that supposedly x rated picture. >> did you say that is not true. >> no, i cannot. >> congressman weiner insisting he did not break any laws or violate his oath of office. he says he is not quitting congressman. but tonight house minority leader nancy pelosi is calling for an ethics investigation. we have team fox coverage doug mckelway live in washington with more on that. jonathan hunt live in our new york newsroom.
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first, to senior correspondent eric shawn who was at the news conference today in midtown, manhattan. eric, congressman weiner also talked about his wife's rabz to all of this. >> yeah, trace. he was tearful, contrite, deeply humiliated and sincerely embarrassed. he not only admitted what he called inappropriate inexplicit conversations with six other women. admitting he lied about sending that he tweeted to a 21-year-old college student. he became emotional when talked about his wife they have been married for less than a year. she has been in politics in new york for a long time. she is a long-time tied hillary rodham clinton. she says they are not splilgt up and he choked up when talking about her. [shouting] >> i love my wife very much and we have no intention of splitting up over. this we have been through a great deal together and we will weather. this i love her very much. and she loves me.
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>> he said he would now try to earn back the trust of his constituents. that would be tough. the he got 41% of the vote last november. this shame won't help. trace? >> trace: eric, what about the supposedly x-rated photo? what do we know? >> there apparently is an explicit photo. he had discussed that during the news conference. andrew breitbart the conservative blogger who posted these photos said is he withholding that photo. he said to save weiner's family. the officer ghafnedded apology from congressman weiner and breitbart got one. >> i found it to be a profoundly sad moment. i mean even though i was the object of his p.r. campaign to deflect attention away from his culpability. i was there to hear him apologize i was hoping he would apologize with sincerity towards me. >> it appears that other women
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are now coming out. radar online says one nevada woman has claimed or claimed to have received 200 explicit sexual communications from him as well as having 30 minutes of phone sex. as for a potential ethics committee investigation, i asked the congressman if he would cooperate with that and he said yes. trace? >> trace: senior correspondent eric shawn live for us in new york. thank you. putting aside all the personal embarrassment, there is also the very real question of whether congressman weiner broke any ethics rules. team fox coverage continues with doug mckelway is live for us in washington. i mentioned house democratic leader nancy pelosi is calling for ethics investigation. >> indeed, she has called for that. and she called for it literally moments after that press conference ended. and now with that done, the wheels have been set into motion. weiner spoke directly into the press conference this afternoon to the question of whether he broke any rules or laws. here he is.
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>> scwoz sphig anything that i did that violated any rules of the house. i don't see anything that violated my oath of office to uphold the constitution. >> but one of the women with whom he conversed spoke to abc news and indicated weiner spoke to her from his office. that's very important. here's a bit of what she said. >> she said that he was eager to hear about, if i wanted him or thought he was attractive or that sort of thing. how much of it was sex talk? he would attempt it all the time, she said. now, house rules say that anything supported with official funds is an official resource. presumably the telephone in his office is an official resource which, potentially puts the congressman in a very deep bind, trace? >> trace: it potentially does, doug mckelway live for us in d.c. he isn't the first politician to get in trouble on the internet. remember former congressman chris lee and they have plenty of company.
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coming up, look at the dangers but also the benefits of social media sites. and now to a high stakes courtroom battle over funding for planned parenthood. the state of indiana recently passed a law that blocks planned parenthood from getting medicaid money because the group provides abortions. and just hours ago planned parenthood went to court to try to block that law. planned parenthood's own figures show that in 2009, the group performed approximately 330,000 abortions. but for some perspective, that was just 3% of planned parenthood services. as you can see, the majority of its worth deals with things like contraception, disease testing, and treatment and cancer screening. critics of indiana's new law say medicaid patients can't afford to lose access to those services but supporters argue federal money should not pay for abortions, no matter what. meantime, several other states have opposed similar
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legislation -- ---proposed similar legislation. they are keeping a close eye next on what happens in indiana. steve brown is live in our midwest newsroom. what happened in court today exactly. >> planned parenthood is seeking injunction to block the indiana law. essentially arguing that the federal statutes that created medicaid that is violated by the indiana law. in human terms, the president of indiana planned parenthood said the folks that will pay will be the poorest patients. >> the medicaid patients would immediately be shut down from further services and we would have to conclude which exactly health centers would have to be closed? this ruling is not favorable. >> the state of indiana says it should be able to choose which providers that it does business with. the judge in this case says she will rule on the injunction come july 1st, trace? >> trace: steve, there was talk during the hearing of the nuclear option. what does that mean in this case? >> yeah. health and human services secretary kathleen sebelius has the option, which has never been
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used before, to de-fund the state's medicine kay program if they find that the state does not uphold the federal law. well, all of this is unprecedented. >> this has never been tested in federal court before. indiana is the first state since the adoption of medicaid in 1965 to say we are not going to give a certain amount of money to a certain group to perform a certain type of medical procedure. so we really don't know what the answer to it is. >> and that's $5.3 billion worth of funding to indiana this year alone that may be hanging in the balance, trace? >> trace: steve brown live in chicago tonight. steve, thank you. president obama meeting with his war advisors today to figure out the next steps in afghanistan. remember, u.s. forces are scheduled to start coming home in july. but just how many and how long will it take? tonight, new battles over war
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strategy. plus, it's a mystery illness that's made thousands of people sick. investigators have been racing to find the cause before anybody else do is. but tonight, there is word of a major set back. in the effort to stop a super bacteria. that's coming up as fox reports tonight. ♪ [ male announcer ] and just like that, it's here. a new chance for all of us: people, companies, communities to face the challenges yesterday left behind and the ones tomorrow will bring. prudential. bring your challenges.
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take the next step. call today. >> trace: fresh questions now about when thousands of american troops could come home from afghanistan. president obama has directed the military to start withdrawing some u.s. forces by this july, perhaps just a few thousand. but the "new york times" reports that in the wake of developments, including usama bin laden's death, the pentagon is now considering speeding things up. and bringing more troops home to their families outgoing defense secretary robert gates is on his last visit to afghanistan. one of his last major issues will be when and how to carry out the withdrawal. >> i think the drawdown is a
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subject that we are going to be talking about over the next two or three weeks. and my view is that it needs to be strategic. >> but lawmakers, including arizona senator john mccain are now warning that moving too fast would be a mistake. wendell goler with the news. is he live tonight at the white house. wendell, what prompted the comments from senator mccain and defense secretary gates? >> well, trace, it was a monthly meeting of the president's senior defense, intelligence, and diplomatic advisors on the afghan war strategy. and the first real look at the impact bin laden's death has had on it some officials are concerned that the high cost of the war, the country's debt crisis will push the president to bring home troops faster than he had planned and the death of bin laden will give him an excuse to do. so illinois republican senator mark kirk says that's not what mr. obama should be looking at. >> the key thing we should watch is the training of the afghan army. in iraq, it was the training of
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the iraqi army that eventually won the war and allowed a very quick withdrawal of the united states. the afghans are about three years behind the iraqis. >> president's spokesman says some troops will come home next month but how many will depend on conditions on the ground, trace. >> trace: what exactly do they mean, wendell, by conditions on the ground? >> well, the training of afghan troops is one of those conditions. another is degrading the taliban, the u.s. has made fairly significant progress in a talahan -- taliban strong hold, kandahar. brookings institute michael o'hanlon says it will be a couple of years before afghan troops can secure the country. >> i think that drawdown will really accelerate roughly in the fall of 2012, because that's the end of the next fighting season. we are going to need two moore fighting seasons to really consolidate gains in the south of afghanistan first and then next year in the east of the country. >> another of those conditions
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is ending corruption and building political structures afghan president harmid karzai has made considerably less progress than u.s. officials would like. trace? >> trace: wendell goler is live for us on the north lawn, thank you. a woman is now reported in critical condition after the wind lifted some inflatable bounce house and then sent them spinning into the air. there were children trapped inside. >> oh my god! oh my god! >> trace: this happened saturday in ocean side new york during a children's soccer tournament. police say 13 people were hurt when the bounce houses took off. >> all the men started running. all the dads took off to go get it. and hold it down and let the air out of it. >> it's not clear whether the bounce houses were improperly tied down or if there may have been some sort of equipment failure with those bounce houses. more dramatic testimony today at casey anthony's murder trial.
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>> when you first opened it, what was your reaction? >> trace: a scientist talking about what he found in the trunk of casey's car. the car her own mother testified smelled like a dead body. we're live at the courthouse with that the story behind this remarkable light show is coming up.
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>> trace: a forensic expert in the casey anthony murder trial today telling the jury when he examined evidence from the trunk of casey's car, the smell was unmistakable, that of a dead body. as you know casey anthony faces the death penalty if convicted on charges that she murdered her 2-year-old daughter caylee. the defense claims the little girl accidently drowned in a family pool. but prosecutors say casey, instead, killed her, then hid
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her body in the trunk of her car and later dumped the remains. and today a research scientist at the oak ridge national laboratory in tennessee which is commonly known as the body farm spoke about what happened when he received a can of samples of the carpet from the trunk of the car. listen. >> when you first obtained the can that we've talked about with the carpet sample in it you said it was sealed, correct? >> yes. >> when you first opened it, what was your reaction? >> well, i essentially jumped back a foot or two. the odor was extremely overwhelming and strong. i was shocked that that little bitty can could have that much odor associated with it. >> did you immediately recognize the odor that was emanating from the piece of carpet in the can? >> yeah. >> and what did you recognize that odor to be? >> it was -- i would recognize it as human decomposition. >> that you have smelled many,
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many sometimes. >> 20 years worth. >> but the defense spent of the day trying to discredit the scientist' testimony claiming he had no background in chemistry that samples may have been contaminated and that the results of his analysis from unreliable. phil keating is live tonight in south florida. phil, the defense really tried to paint this scientist as an untrust worthy eccentric, didn't he. >> that included jose baez questioning him divining rod to walk around the grass finding hidden graves and water. he pointed out how the air samples were not done until 10 weeks after caylee anthony died a story quoted him describing what the smell of a human decomposition is to that of a potato. a potato gone bad. >> that it is sickly sweet. it doesn't smell like a swamp or rotten egg smell. if you ever had a potato go back bush administration in your
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cupboard. that's a horrendous smell. similar to decomposition. amazingly similar. >> i believe i made that statement, yes. >>vass trying to explain. he has studied decome posing potatoes and they are nothing like a decomposing body. >> trace: tell us how novel this air sample science in a murder trial really. >> this is absolutely the very first trial in the united states that is admitting this type of air sample evidence to provide testimony about human decomposition. never been done before. attorneys on both sides fought heavily over whether or not to admit this in front of the judge perry pre-trial. he ended up siding with the prosecutors, the state and said it can be allowed. the jury heard it today saying that it's expert testimony and the jury can debate its credibility when they deliberate a verdict. during this long day, jurors
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paid very close attention, taking a lot of notes as well. trace? >> trace: phil keating live for us in south florida. thank you. investigators in europe say they're now back to square one in determining the cause of a super toxic e.coli outbreak that has killed 22 people and sickened more than 2,000. in the latest twist, officials in germany reversing what they said yesterday. they now report there is no evidence that bea. in sprouts organic farm in that country are to blame. researchers first suspected the outbreak started with contaminated could you couplers from spain but tests on those vegetables proved they were not the cause. you can read more about the outbreak on what you can do to protect yourself from this sort of thing. it's all on 24/7. well, syrian leaders are still trying to put down a pro-democracy uprising. and now this, a deadly clash on the border with israel. tensions in that region now
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rising. next, what's being done to try to calm things down and congressman anthony weiner 'fesses up to sending inappropriate picture of himself or women who were not his wife. he is the latest but certainly not the first in a line of public figures caught up in' scan kels that spread through the internet. jonathan hunt takes us beyond the headlines next. >> i haven't told the truth oh hi! we get double miles every time we use our card. and since double miles add fast... one more chariot please. ...we can bring the whole gang! i cannot tell a lie. he did it. right... it's hard to beat dole miles! read mlips -- no new axes! [ male announcer ] get the venture card from capital one, and earn double miles on every purchase, every day.
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...and? it helped balance her lon. oh, now that's t best part. i love your work. [ female announcer ] phillips' colon health. >> trace: bun bunga bunga time and charges of sleeping with underage prostitute not stopping silvio berlusconi from getting his party on. according to the daily tell graph wiretaps indicate the billionaire prime minister has switched his bunga bunga party venue. include a lot of beautiful women, money and sex are still in full swing although mr. berlusconi's lawyers deny all of it prosecutors say the prime minister had sex with that underaged prostitute known as ruby the heart stealer at one of those bunga bunga parties. i'm trace gallagher in for shepard smith. this is the fox report. it's the bottom of the hour. time for the top of the news.
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new pictures of congressman thorn weiner turning up on the web. hours later he confessed to sending explicit photos to three women over the past three years including this one. last week congressman weiner denied sending it saying someone hacked his twitter account. >> last friday night i tweeted a photograph of myself that i intended to send as a direct message as part of a joke to a woman in seattle. once i realized i had posted to twitter i panicked. i took it down and said that i had been hacked. i then continued with that story to stick to that story, which was a hugely regrettable mistake. this woman was unwittingly dragged into this and bears absolutely no responsibility i'm so sorry to have disrupted her life in this way. to be clear, the picture was of me and i sent it. >> trace: tonight, congressman weiner is refusing to resign even though nancy pelosi has called for an ethics investigation. "the fox report's" chief correspondent is live in our new
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york newsroom. is he not the first politician to have trouble with social media. >> he certainly not, trace. ever since politicians began using social media and the internet, they have been falling foul of the dangers that come with it go back to 2006 recommendation florida congressman mark foley was caught sending inappropriate, instant messages to underaged pages. he resigned. february of this year, congressman chris lee from new york sent a shirtless picture of himself to a woman via craig's list, he had to resign, too. congressman anthony weiner just the latest to learn these lessons. he is says he is learning them, listen. >> i don't believe i will use it the same way. that's for sure. [ laughter ] and i deeply regret the way i have used it today. but for pry use of twitter, i mean, it's not -- it's something that i found useful and facebook as a way to get out the message. i certainly wouldn't obviously do the things that i have done
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that led me. [shouting] >> shep it is easy to destroy a career in 140 characters or less. >> trace: which is not to say, jonathan, it cannot be a useful tool if it's used properly. >> absolutely. the internet has been a very useful tool to many politicians look at president obama who raised $500 million for the 2008 campaign via the internet. rallying support on facebook, myspace, and twitter. he now has 19 million facebook followers. this campaign, 2012 as we gear up for it, newt gingrich one of the republicans who announced his candidacy via twitter and facebook sarah palin the fox news contributor who may or may not become a presidential candidate has 3 million on facebook. she tweets very heavily. all in all in congress there are 115 democrats who regularly
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tweet and 132 republicans. all of them have been warned of the potential and the potential for catastrophe, trace. >> trace: good warning from. a political sex scandal to a financial one. one month ago dominic strauss-khan was the most powerful and respected money man in the world. today, he was a criminal defendant in a new york city courtroom. strauss-khan pleading not guilty to charges of sexually assaulting a hotel maid. it was the first court appearance for the head of the international monetary fund since a judge released him on $6 million bail. ordering the french diplomat to remain in new york under house arrest. julie banderas is live outside the courthouse. it was a quick hearing today. >> oh yeah, trace. it took just all of five minute force dominic strauss-khan to deny all seven counts against him the most sear punishable by
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25 years in prison. his high priced deal legality team do l. do what they're paid to do. dig up the past. no part of her life will go unscrutinized. sources close to the case are the defense pursue the issue whether it's even physically possible for an unarmed man to force a person who engage oral sex. the defense maintains the sex was consensual. >> in our judgment, once the evidence is reviewed, it will be clear that there was no element of forcible compulsion in this case whatsoever. any suggestion to the contrary is simply not credible. >> strauss-khan's next court date july 18th. it will be the first of a series of pre-trial proceedings. the beginning of this trial date though is not yet released. trace? >> trace: julia, emotions were running very high outside the courtroom today. >> oh, yeah. you could call it a media circus or just a plain circus. when he got here just about an
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hour before arraignment, well, he got a pretty unwelcomed response if you will. take a listen. [jeering] >> about 50 maids were -- bussed in by union. many wearing uniforms shouting shame on you shouting to strauss-khan as he arrived. he left arm in arm with his wife. the maid hired two new lawyers who described their client as a hard working single mom is ho is trying to make ends meet at the hotel where the crime took place. her attorney says she will not to what they are calling a smear campaign. >> the victim wants you to know that all of dominic strauss-khan's power, money, and influence throughout the world will not cheat the truth about what he did to her in that hotel room from coming out. >> and if all goes as planned
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that maid will be expected to testify at this trial. the prosecution needs that testimony in order for their charges to stick. trace? >> trace: julie banderas live outside the courthouse. julie, thank you. well, another week, another exciting day of testimony on planet blago. federal prosecutors today playing audio recordings in which our blago appears to suggest he is willing to swap president obama's former senate seat for a high powered job for himself. in the recordings, blago refers to now white house advisor valerie jarrett and said he would give her the senate seat in exchange for cabinet position. claims i'm willing to trade the ching i got tightly held to her for something she doesn't hold quite as tight tightly. but today blago says that's not what he meant and he never thought he had a a shot at a cabinet post. well, yemen facing a leadership crisis after the country's president survived an apparent assassination attempt. now he has left the country and the u.s. and other nations are
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urging quick and peaceful transition of power. but there is growing concern a dangerous al qaeda branch could use the chaos to strengthen its grip in the region. the details on that ahead. plus, crews in arizona fighting one of the biggest firefighters the state has ever seen. so massive the smoke is obscuring the view of the rockies from downtown denver. a live report on those pictures next. who's feeling power hungry? who's ready to break through more barriers, from brick walls to budgets. then let's get our hands on some of those tools th only live on orange shelves. cause when we come home with tt fistful of doing, and keep that pocketful of savings, there's nothing we can't conquer. more saving. more doing. that's the power of the home depot. power more projects, with is ryobi starter kit or dremel multi-max, each just 89 bucks.
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there yesterday. [gunfire] >> trace: when israeli troops opened fire on protesters running toward the border fence. the syrians reported the violence killed as many as 23 people. numbers that israel disputes. reena ninan is live from our jerusalem newsroom. reena, calmer heads seemed to prevail today. >> yeah, trace. weren't clashes of forces at the border. inside syria it appears a civil war could be starting. syrian state tv reports 80 policemen were killed by gunmen. they are claiming that the people there are calling for the army to intervene but the protesters, the syrian opposition say that's a lie. it's just an excuse that assad is using to brutally attack his critics, trace. >> trace: reena, where does the united states stand in all of this? >> well, the state department said that the border issue is clearly something that syria has been involved in and is trying to provoke. and the sense is the president is using this to try to take the
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attention away from the more than 1,000 people, his security forces are have killed since march. and israel worries that in the coming months there may be more incidents like, this trace. >> trace: reena ninan live for us in what is early morning in the middle east. nina, thank you. and a wildfire alert now and a massive out-of-control fire in eastern arizona forcing thousands to evacuate and threatening entire towns. we're told it is now the third largest in state history. the fire centered just east of the town of alpine has reportedly scorched more than 360 square miles. that's an area slightly larger than the entire city of dallas, texas. firefighters have had virtually no luck containing the fire and folks in the area say they are afraid they could lose everything. >> we feel bad if anybody loses their house. that's what i think. >> do you think it could be yours? >> could be. could be. >> have to think positive and we're all there to help whoever
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did lose his or her home. and i'm just hoping that it wasn't us. >> trace: the smoke is causing a lot of problems. it is reportedly reached as far as iowa. adam housley is here with the latest. what are we hearing from the front lines? >> the smoke is from this massive fire, 364 square miles been burning for about a week. caused by unattended camp fire. conditions there are extremely brutal for firefighters. talking about the mountain country of arizona. it's dry, it's tender. winds right now reported to be 40 to 50 mile-per-hour gusts. temperatures in the 90's. low humidity. it is rife for fire in an area prone to fire especially in a location dry conditions last couple of years. 2500 personnel from all over the western u.s. are helping to battle these flames from. as far as away as new york. we just got this in. the entire 2 million-acre coronado national forest is closing tomorrow because of these brutal conditions. >> trace: keep our eyes on this.
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adam housley live in los angeles. thank you. one heck of a light show in the skies over southern region in chile, courtesy of mother nature. take a look at the lightning. coloring and erupting volcano's ash cloud with splashes of orange. that volcano began blowing its top over the weekend. it has forced thousands of people. look at the light. thousands of people to evacuate but there are no reports tonight of any injuries. well, apple has its head in the i cloud. the computer company announcing new online storage service for users of mobile devices. apple's ceo steve jobs taking time away from his medical leave today to unveil the i-cloud service. jobs said it will let people share their music, photos, apps and other content among all their gadgets. it's free. >> if i get something on my iphone, it t. is sent up to the cloud immediately. let's say i take pictures with it those pictures are in the cloud and they are now pushed
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down to my devices completely automatically. and now everything is in sync with me not even having to think about it. >> trace: apparently it's not free. just free now. they will start charging in the fall. experts see i cloud as direct challenge to amazon and google which offers similar services for android services. according to apple's web site it will launch i cloud this fall. there is word tonight of a major break through in the battle against the deadliest and most aggressive form of skin cancer. drugs so effective researchers say they can add years to people's lives. our experts weigh in straight ahead. plus, another republican gets in the race for the white house. and he kicked it off with a warning for president obama. a live report next from america's election headquarters. >> i'm announcing today that i'm running for president of the united states. [cheers] >> join the fight. join the fight.
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>> trace: there are serious questions tonight about who is in control of yemen. after a rocket attack injured the country's president, forcing him to seek medical treatment in saudi arabia. violence continued in the capital today with gunshots ringing out after the start of a truce between opposition forces and troops loyal to the president. the u.s., of course, is watching all of this very carefully. especially since yemen is believed to be the home to anwar al awlaki, the radical cleric linked to several recent attacks on u.s. soil. the national correspondent catherine herridge is live for us in d.c. it looks like this could quickly deteriorate should yemen's president try to return. >> trace, u.s. officials say president's return to yemen could be a catalyst for more
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violence. the secretary of state hillary clinton telling reporters today the administration wants a nonend to the months of unrest. >> we are calling for peaceful and orderly transition. a nonviolent transition that is consistent with yemen's own constitution. and our position has not changed. it continues to remain the same. we think an immediate transition is in the best interest of the yemeni people. >> and u.s. officials are monitoring reports tonight that al qaeda in yemen, the group behind two major plots targeting the u.s. has taken control of the port city zinjibar neighbors somalia could soon be flowing into yemen, trace. >> trace: catherine, our primary concern is about the terrorists living inside yes, ma'am yemen. that's correct. a source recently told fox that counter terrorism forces including special units trained with the help of the u.s. to target al qaeda were pulled back to the capital to deal with the
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violence. u.s. officials also confirmed that usama bin laden provided strategic and tactical advice to yemen including the benefits of hitting the airline industry. of the al qaeda afill yated was behind the last two major plots against the u.s. involving passenger and cargo jets. u.s. officials also believe al qaeda in yemen has successfully exploited the areas of yemen. the power vacuum the unrest has created, trace. >> trace: catherine herridge live in washington. catherine, thank you. well, fox news is america's election headquarters and another republican now officially running for president. former pennsylvania senator rick santorum kicking off his campaign today and going right after the man he hopes to replace. >> president obama took that leap of -- took that faith that the american public gave him and wrecked our economy and centralized power in washington, d.c. and robbed people of their freedom.
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>> trace: senator santorum making his announcement in somerset county, pennsylvania. that's where his grandfather worked in the coal mines after imgrating from italy. also a county the senator lost in his failed re-election campaign five years ago. well, there is new hope today for those battling the deadly skin cancer mel gnomena. researchers report a dramatic break through in treatment with two new drugs. we're told one was so successful they cut short their study for ethical reasons so they could participate the participants who were not getting the drug. here is dr. manny alvarez today on "studio b." >> we saw about 28% of people surviving two years and about 20% of people surviving three years. so when you go from almost a death sentence of six months now to being able to live for two years or even three years, this is a huge success. >> trace: one researcher calling this unprecedented time of celebration for mel lab llweleyn
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la noma patients. it's not a cure. the american cancer society estimates there were 68,000 new melanoma cases last year in the united states and nearly 9,000 people died. 155 people survived the landing of u.s. air flight 1549 into the hudson river. you know, the so-called miracle on the hudson. well, now the plane itself is making its final journey to a new home but much like its last flight, the trip did not go as planned. that's ahead. plus, a bear stuck in a tree. you know what that means. it's a bear alert. hey, did you ever finish last month's invoices? sadly, no. oh. but i did pick up your dry cleaning
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and had your shoes shined. well, i made you a reservation at the sushi place around the corner. well, in that case, i better get bk to these invoices... whh i'll do right after making your favorite pancakes. you know what? i'm going to tidy up your side of the office. i can't hear you because i'm also making you a smoothie. [ male announcer ] marriott hotels & resorts knows it's better for xerox to automate their global invoice process so they can focus on serving their customers. with xerox, you're ready for real business. this is stacy.
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who runs circles around asthma. and d. he never lets high cholesterol get him too low. and amy with her arthritis well in hand. they goo walgreens... whe their pharmacist not only refills prescripons but gives advice... immunizations. and health tests. staying on p of your health starts right in your neighborhood. walgreens. there's a way to stay well. ♪ [ male announcer ] humble beginnings are true beginnings. they are the purest way to gauge success. ♪ maybe the only way to gauge success. but the most powerful thing about humble beginnings is that they are... ♪ ...humbling. ♪ show where you're going without forgetting where you're from. ♪
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>> trace: it's been in the air and on the water. now a famous plane is taking one last road trip. u.s. airways crashed into the river between new york and new jersey more than two years ago. saturday it left new jersey for a trip to the carolinas aviation
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museum in charlotte. but perhaps crews could have used some help from miracle pilot sully sullenberger, the plane got stuck for an hour in south jersey yesterday when it couldn't get around some poles and a fence. crews eventually got it moving. bear alert and thanks to six tranquilizer darts. one wildlife officer's climbing skills a 200-pound black bear is no longer in a colorado tree. here, one of the darts hits mr. bear. the officer climbed the tree to free the bear's leg which sent it to the ground. of course, the officials forgot one thing. a tramp mean. and before we go our top five stuff of the day, number five, the bulls champion series taking away ufc over ncaa rules violations. number four, 1 people are recovering after winds several
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bounce houses in long island, new york. number three the white house says president obama will order a real drawdown of troops from afghanistan starting next month. number two, planned parenthood asking a judge to block an indiana abortion law that cuts off much of its public funding and number one,. >> this was a big mistake to -- i was embarrassed. i was humiliated. >> trace: congressman thorn weiner admitted he sent out inappropriate picture and lied that he didn't know who sent it that's "the fox report's" top five. and on this day in 1944, allied troops hit the beaches of normandy france in what was largest amphibious assault in history d-day. the united states and britain knew the only way to stop hitler was to invade europe. on the morning of the sixth, more than 150,000 troops and


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